HAWE Hydraulic Power Pack MP

HAWE Hydraulic Power Pack
Non-Stocking Item
Lead Time 5-6 weeks
HAWE Hydraulic Power Pack MP

Features and benefits:


Intermittent or load/no load operation S3 or S6


Long service life and excellent reliability achieved by using radial piston pumps


Low oil fill volumes make it environmentally sound thanks to small amount of oil to

be disposed of and low costs for hydraulic fluid


Two-stage valves and switch units for press controls can be directly mounted


Co-ordinated range of valves and accessories from modular system


Dual-circuit pumps available

Intended applications:


Brake and rotor adjustment modules on wind turbines


Counterbalance and provision of clamping pressure for lathe chucks, tailstocks and

steady rests on large machine tools and turning centers


Presses and other shaping machines


Handling and clamping systems on machine tools and jigs


Lubrication systems

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